Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Loc. 5 > FAQs > FAQs (Contractors)
FAQs (Contractors)

The Answer:
YES! I can get reduced or waived initiation for my masonry craftworkers.
YES! There are union guys going to welcome my employees and my company.
YES! I can refer candidates to the pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs.
YES! I can set up a specialty training program just for my masonry craftworkers.
YES! The new members will have health care. (Following Plan Rules)
YES! New members will get their benefit reports sent to their homes.
YES! The BAC union (through the collective bargaining agreement) does encourage a drug free workplace.
YES! New members and families can participate in the (MAPS) Member Assistance Program Services right away; for confidential assistance with Drug, Alcohol, etc. abuse.
YES! New members can receive journeyperson upgrade training such as Blueprint Reading and Foreman courses.
YES! New members can receive OSHA Safety Training courses.
YES! All classes are free to the members that are taught by the Training Department.
YES! I will be spending less money on administrative overhead on medical, dental and retirement programs.
YES! I can get immediate mobility for most of my existing masonry craftworkers.
YES! I can fire non-performing craftworkers.
YES! I can get additional union craftworkers even if you are working outside the area of Bricklayers Local 5, Oklahoma / Arkansas / Texas / New Mexico.
Q – “Will the union try to run my business?
A – Absolutely not! That’s your job. Our job is making sure you have the best trained, most professional masonry workers available anywhere. If you’d like our help or advice, it’s always available, but your business is your business.
Q – What if I have a problem with a union worker? I have heard you can’t fire them.
A – The agreement we have with each of our signatories spells out problem resolution procedures that cover every conceivable problem, including offenses that warrant termination. The union is committed to working with you to make sure problems are resolved in a way that is fair for all parties.
Q – Can I still use my existing employees?
A – Of Course! One of the great things about “going union” is the flexibility it gives you. We’re always happy to welcome new members into our organization, and we’re committed to providing the training and certifications new members need to meet the industry standards. You might want to evaluate some of your employees and this can be done at the Training Center as a service to you. The whole point is for you to have the finest workforce possible.
Q – How am I going to compete with lower cost open shop contractors?
A – By forming a partnership with the Local 5 Bricklayers OK/AR/TX/NM and blending your employees with union craftworkers while adding in access to all the training programs. IMI Foreman and Supervisor training, you have formulated a union masonry company. Competing with nonunion contractors isn’t as much of an issue as it seems. Together, we can have a higher productivity and quality on your jobs. The goal is to have this partnership become a strong selling point for your company.
Q – What if the Bricklayers Local 5 OK/AR/TX/NM just doesn’t work out for me? Can I get out?
A – Our contract specifies the period during which our agreement is in force and spells out the renewal provisions. When your contract comes up for renewal, you’re free to decline. Of course, we’re committed to create a successful partnership and we can usually find a solution to any problem that arises!